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A NSW Government website

Controlled Environment Horticulture

With an international reputation for high-quality products, extensive agricultural land and industrial park options, and ideal climatic conditions, NSW is the perfect place to establish a controlled environment horticulture facility.

NSW’s competitive advantage summarised:

Affordable land options for greenfield CEH projects: NSW hosts a range of zoned land options suitable for a variety of CEH projects. There are a range of site options in multiple regions across the state, suitable to different project needs, and are connected via highly efficient freight links. They provide efficient market access to the end-consumer as well as world-leading infrastructure at a fraction of the cost of metropolitan sites. 

Optimal climate: NSW experiences high solar irradiation levels (ranging between 15 and 24 megajoules per metres squared). The majority of NSW, outside of the Far West, offers cost-efficient temperature ranges for greenhouse operations (23–27°C by day and 13–16°C at night) and an ideal humidity range (60% - 80%). 

Existing freight and cold chain logistics network: The well-connected NSW transport and logistics network, including inland rail freight, roads and airport links, enables CEH products to move rapidly from place-of-origin to adjacent markets reliably and efficiently. 

NSW is home to world-leading research and development facilities like the CSIRO and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development that support fruit, vegetable, and medicinal plant growing and genetics innovation. 

A ready workforce: NSW has more than 60,000 skilled workers in agricultural and agricultural support areas, and a further 60,000 workers in related scientific and technical services. This workforce is supported by one of the world’s largest vocational training networks, TAFE NSW. 

Talk to us about controlled environment horticulture opportunities

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