New South Wales (NSW) is well place to respond to the global aviation industry’s decarbonisation efforts. NSW is home to a diverse range of feedstocks accounting for approximately 22% of Australia’s potential biogenic feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production.
Modelling commissioned by Regional Economic Development found biogenic SAF is expected to make up around 52% of all aviation fuel in Australia by 2050, with the market value estimated to be A$11.9 billion in Australia and AUD$4.8 billion in NSW. It is predicted that NSW will need between 4,000 and 4,300ML/year of SAF by 2050.
With the establishment of the Jet Zero Council in June 2023, Australia is poised to launch its SAF refining capability.
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Click hereNSW’s competitive advantage summarised
NSW SAF development opportunities
The map of feedstock density in NSW provides a closer view of the potential sites for SAF production.