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A NSW Government website

Sustainable aviation fuel

Feedstock supply, airlines’ demand, existing infrastructure and enabling government initiatives, positions NSW as a key Australian state for biogenic sustainable aviation fuel production.

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NSW’s competitive advantage summarised

Large volumes of feedstock availability in strategic regional areas, namely Riverina-Murray, New England North West and the Central West 


Metropolitan municipal solid waste (MSW) and commercial & industrial waste (C&I) can potentially be combined with regional feedstocks to service Sydney Airport, the Western Sydney Airport and/or export markets through Port of Newcastle and Port Kembla 

Highest demand for aviation fuel in Australia

Sydney has the greatest airport traffic in Australia and uses the majority of NSW aviation fuel consumption. By 2026, NSW will also be home to Western Sydney Airport – expected to handle 10 million passengers annually

Highly qualified workforce with transferrable skills for the SAF supply chain in existing and future workforce 

World-leading NSW industry-led innovation networks and universities

NSW SAF development opportunities

The map of feedstock density in NSW provides a closer view of the potential sites for SAF production. 

A map of the feedstock density across New South Wales

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