Strategic growth opportunities
Special Activation Precincts enable investors to move quickly to capture the significant commercial opportunities available in Australia’s most dynamic state.
Among Australia’s first eco-industrial parks, Special Activation Precincts capitalise on the unique endowments of each NSW region to grow engine industries, develop emerging industries and create the jobs of the future.
Upfront master planning and environmental assessments reduce the cost and time normally associated with getting development approvals, providing certainty and confidence for investors.
Explore our Special Activation Precincts
Four Special Activation Precincts, chosen for their catalytic growth opportunities, unique geographical features and alignment with key infrastructure projects, are driving unprecedented investor interest in regional NSW.
Parkes Special Activation Precinct

Located at the only junction of Australia’s two transcontinental railways, the precinct provides overnight access to 80% of Australia's population and direct connections to major export ports. It will provide investment opportunities across food manufacturing, recycling, resource recovery and critical minerals processing. The precinct will be among Australia’s first eco-industrial parks, setting new benchmarks for efficient management and environmental performance standards in energy, waste, water, climate resilience and emissions.
Talk to us today about how the Parkes Special Activation Precinct can fast-track your business.
Wagga Wagga Special Activation Precinct

The precinct is home to major food processing, recycling, renewable energy componentry, and metal fabrication businesses. The growth these organisations have seen in the past 10 years demonstrates the significant opportunity the precinct presents for similar industries to capitalise on almost $157.5 million in new government investment.
Talk to us today about how the Wagga Wagga Special Activation Precinct can fast-track your business.
Moree Special Activation Precinct

The precinct will capitalise on its credentials as one of Australia’s most productive and progressive grain, pulse and cotton regions. Its location along the Inland Rail and national highways enables national and international market access. Moree is primed to activate a new commercial hub for vertically integrated agribusiness, leverage the logistical capability for intensive horticulture and food processing and drive Australian food and fibre produce investment growth.
Talk to us today about how the Moree Special Activation Precinct can fast-track your business.
Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct

Talk to us today about how the Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct can fast-track your business.